Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The one where you shoot at yourself

Archer comes along and strikes an arrow into another man. does that man who gets hit  would get hurt?  Of course it hurts. 

If the Archer strikes the man with another arrow does it hurt even more?

First arrow is what Life does to you
Second Arrow is what you do to yourself

Second Arrow is also considered as reactive emotions. And some people have 1000 arrows.

As How Lord Buddha explained,
“There are two arrows, The first arrow is pain, injury, loss. You can’t avoid it. What you can avoid is the second arrow; the one you shoot at yourself about why you got shot by the first arrow to begin with.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The unwanted Commentator

We often wander What makes us sad, scared, happy & …. ?  Yes it's our thoughts. Each of us have a commentator inside our mind.  For each event that happens in our life, this commentator inside our head  starts to pour in recursive thoughts, comments, recommendations & conclusions about the event.

For instance let's assume you're watching a football match, you see everything that is happening in the game but yet what makes it interesting and anxious towards the game is the commentary of the match with player statistics and so forth.

Majority of the time this commentator creates illusion that you won't see the reality. That's what makes the ………………...