Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Path without End - The Levels of Thought

One of the first goals of meditation is to still and calm random thoughts. In order to achieve this, it is helpful to identify four different levels of Thinking.


  1. Negative thought  - Considered lowest level , it includes feelings of anger, fear sadness, regret and unease
  2. Wasteful thought -  When we waste our time worrying about things that might not happen or about things outside of our control
  3. Necessary thought – Such as “I must not forget to pay electricity bill” or I must remember to send a birthday card
  4. Positive thought – The Highest level, which encourage peace, harmony, creativity, love and happiness.

In meditation we can free our minds from negative and wasteful thoughts and elevate them to the highest level.


The Art of Tranquility , Self Awareness and Insight-David Fontana

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Forbidden Path


‘In pursuit of Happiness’, is goal of every human being. Are we not?   How often are we satisfied is a riddle…  Ultimate question is Where can we find the eternal Happiness or rather peace of mind.. The path exhibits true nature of humans. But How often we listen to our inner self? 

"People tell us who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we want them to be."- Mad Men



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Life is a journey, not a Destination

Many of us think that life is about getting somewhere, that there are so many things to accomplish, many things to gain. These accomplishments and gains are temporary and materialistic that more often we tend to live in dreams about getting what we want in the future or what happened in the past.

Thereby we tend to forget the present moment of life, that's happening right now. There's even saying by John Lennon “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

Experience the deep stillness and peace that exist in your mind when there is no strong resistance to your thoughts and memories.

Where there is beauty, there is ugliness.

When something is right, 
Something else is wrong. 
Knowledge and ignorance
Depend on each other. 
It has been like this since the beginning. 
How could it be otherwise now? 
Wanting to chuck out one
And hold onto the other
Makes for a ridiculous comedy. 
You must still deal with everything
Even when you say it’s wonderful.

Ryokan (1758-1831)

Monday, April 1, 2013

I looked in temples, churches and mosques. But I found peace within...

"I looked in temples, churches and mosques. But I found the divine within my heart." ~ Rumi ♥

Don't seek it outside...becoz everything you will ever need is within your very self.... Everything you see outside is just reflection of whats inside. Seek within yourself and you will find! ♥