Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dying, is only one thing to be sad over. Living unhappily is something else.

“Dying, is only one thing to be sad over. Living unhappily is something else. "

Well, for one thing, the culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. We're teaching the wrong things. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it. Create your own. Most people can't do it. They're more unhappy than me–even in my current condition.

Everyone knows they're going to die, but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently.

 He had created a cocoon of human activities–conversation, interaction, affection–and it filled his life like an overflowing soup bowl.

 “So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”

 “Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do”;

“Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it”;

you closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too–even when you're in the dark.  Even when you're falling.”

“Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others”;

“Don't assume that it's too late to get involved.”

What if today were my last day on earth?
the culture doesn't encourage you to think about such things until you're about to die. We're so wrapped up with egotistical things, career, family, having enough money, meeting the mortgage, getting a new car, fixing the radiator when it breaks–we're involved in trillions of little acts just to keep going. So we don't get into the habit of standing back and looking at our lives and saying, Is this all? Is this all I want? Is something missing?”

 “Love wins. Love always wins.”
 'Love is the only rational act.'

-Tuesdays with Morrie

Why do we suffer? We suffer because we have forgotten the power of unconditional love

A life without cause is a life without effect.

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